Friday, February 4, 2011

Sound and Color

Things are slowly but surely coming along. Jason Rudd is working magic and making the project sound like a "movie". So happy to hear such rich and clean dialogue tracks.

I recently got back from my month long trip to Mexico and I've begun continuing color work. I'm really pumped because it's looking gorgeous.

Other than that my diary has kind of died. I feel like I'm talking to myself on here since nobody reads it and I haven't had much energy to entertain myself.

I've begun writing with my friend Keaton S. Ziem so that's a good thing. We have 99 pages of scenes. Is there a real story in it yet? Nope. But it's great! We've been sending scenes back and forth with the plan of getting as much good material possible and sculpting a screenplay from that. Writing is usually a lonesome journey so this has been quite fun. It's also been quite liberating not constricting our creativity to a plot or any other structure details at this point.

So all in all it's a great start to the New Year.
