Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Testing... Testing...

I had a thought last night about "What if my film were to become successful?"

I've always wondered what it would be like to become successful and then all of the small-time acquaintances from your past would overnight want to become your bestfriend. It's strange how success can change people's perceptions of you.

I know there are a few people out in this world that actually read this blog and our adamantly following it. I understand that it's mostly cast and crew but no big deal. I'm still really curious who actually reads this. If you're reading this right now (yes, right now) please leave your name in the comment area. If you feel uncomfortable leaving your full name just leave your name as Ryan M. etc.

Anyways, this is just my own personal test to see who actually cares about what I'm doing. I've spread the word enough that people that know me know that I have this blog and what it's about. I'm curious about who actually takes the time to read what I write.

Thanks for your time and off to the cutting room I go! 15 hour day? Only time will tell. Oops... First I need to go return my rented lens and light meter. Phew!



  1. I'm reading them :)

  2. i remember having this conversation with you about everyone wanting to be your best friend once you're successful.... :) I wanna be your friend anyways.. haha nah I'm not kiddin... :) and yes, I'm reading it..

  3. enjoying your blog.....
    can you please tell us about the premise of the story....thanks

  4. The premise of the film is a coming-of-age story about three boys, that recently graduated from high school, that are on a road trip together.

  5. cool... thanks ryan....
    looking forward to seeing it...

    Good luck Ryan M.
