Friday, March 11, 2011


The sun is trying to come out. The few inches of snow from last night are starting to melt off. And I am definitely not in California. It would have been great to be apart of Turning Point till the end but I'm glad I was a part of what bit I was. Ryan asked me to get all sentimental. He's a very sensitive chap that puts on a "F.U. if you don't agree with me mentality". This isn't meant to be a jab at him. I'm simply saying. He's not that hard, actually very soft and mooshy.

Being a part of the pre-production process and shooting was a good challenge and fun. There were many hours of work put into it and many hours of standing at attention on set. My boom Op, Chase takes the cake on that, besides his little nap on the ground in San Francisco. Bailey did a great job D.P.-ing. He took it seriously and listened well to Ry-jans direction. The cast I did get to work with were great. I may have formed a few man crushes over the course of the shoot....(to Chase's aunt if you're reading. That doesn't make you gay...too gay) Now Guido. Where would we be without our sexy ethnic friend? His absurd comments that would make Ry-jan blush were wonderful. It was good having him around so I could feel less hated by the rest of America for being Mexican.

Now the Grand Finale (BUM BOOM BUM BOOM!) Ryan J. Moser. Some may refer to him as nuts. Some may consider him out spoken and loud. Some creative. Some whimsical. I would say I agree with all of those statements. He has done a great job putting together his project, which has now become our project. I hope the desire to tell this story will lead to telling many more. I hope our love for the arts will develop, mature and grow so that a good storyteller will become a great storyteller. Most of all I hope that everyone attached to this film will come to love the craft, work, people that this life will bring before them.


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